Thursday, July 16, 2015

Deadbeat dad

So I did finally decide to text my children's piece of s*** Dad back! I texted him and requested that if I was to have my voice call him to please refrain from telling them that he was going to visit until he won discuss it with me and to actually have the ticket in his hand to come see my kids because I didn't tired of him telling them stuff and then him not following through! It irritates the hell out of me and you never text me back or called or anything so luckily I didn't tell my kids are there be going to be calling their father because he's a loser a****** I'm sick of dealing with him I want her to sign over custody is Lee was the f*** alone I don't want to f****** piece of s*** money you know the people a child support told me that $40 you sent me was a be considered a gift and not child support so set that up you piece of s***. I really wish that he wasn't my childrens father I really feel bad for my kids it's not fair to them that he's such a jerk you have nothing to do with them I honestly I mean yes I do care about the money of course because it helps I'm supporting my kids by myself my mom is my kids dad basically he does nothing for them but the thing that pisses me off the most is the fact that he is and see them he doesn't call them he doesn't see you then he has nothing to do with them unless it fits him unless he feels like being a daddy this month but usually it takes him 3 months to do anything at least if not longer if not 3 years so needless to say I'm fed up with this piece of s*** ass. I can't say that i wish I never met him because I wouldn't have my boys but if I would have listen to everybody I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in all my friends n family warned me he was a leach but I'm dumb and saw through his deception bc I was fat and lonely - he won't even give me his address my son my youngest son asked me where his dad lives I said I don't know he asked me what was his dad's number that I don't know he asjed if his dad knew where we live and what our number is i said yes bc im not going to lie to him for his POS fathers sake - that's really sad that your own kids can't know where you live because ur afraid the child Support going to come after u Bitch they're going to find you anyway cuz I know your social security number your dumb all ur doing is hurting ur kids u pathetic piece of shit I hope u rot in hell!


So I'm sorry to all who actually read my blog I haven't been posting because of the fact that the computer that I post on isn't working and I don't really like to do it from my phone however I am using the speak feature so I don't actually have to type anything so that makes it a little bit easier anyway that's all for now I will be posting soon I think of something interesting to say so I guess I will be posting later
